Extensive research projects and field trials at abies nordmaniana

The Herzog.Baum seedlings are the result of many years of doing research projects and practical field trials. The aim is to significantly increase the yield and quality in the plantations by improving the starting material. The genetic properties of the Nordmann fin origins are a crucial component for successful Christmas tree cultivation.

Due to having these insights, we are able to offer you the best planting material, even for hard climates, higher operational reliability and better yields. Having our own Christmas tree distribution, allows us to have an eye on costumer activity. Thus, being able to recognize changes in customer requirements and market developments early on.


Special emphasis is placed on the early removal of well-shaped small trees. This is very important to create room for growth and ventilation, which can be achieved with fast-starting and precocious Nordmann tree origins, while the proportion of densely and bushy growing origins cater for a sufficient number of large and heavy assortments.


Wide selection – many opportunities
Our wide selection of different fir and spruce species includes even those for difficult locations. Some alternative species, which can replace the Normann fir, are even better suited for wet areas, hollows with a risk of frost or dry southern slopes, appealing to a variety of customers. We talk about the expert knowledge needed to cultivate such species, as well as sensible topiary methods in our seminars.


Focus on rationalization
As in all other economic areas, it is also important in the cultivation of Christmas trees to work on the continuous improvement of the production process. In addition to quality, costs have to be kept in mind. A particularly efficient method of rationalization is the reduction of turnaround time, thus saving fixed and running costs. The most important requirement for this is the origin of plant material, which should have a quick-start momentum. 


Frost-proof origins
By evaluating our origin trials and many years of experience, we have gained valuable knowledge in the sprouting behavior and winter hardiness of various Nordmann fir provenances. We were able to successfully filter out those Nordmann fir origins, that offer a high degree of resistance to frost damages. You can benefit from this knowledge and add plants with the greatest possible climatic resistance to your crops. This way, high costs for necessary adjustments and quality losses are avoided.